The ubiquitous nature of data within today's modern business world makes it difficult to acquire critical insight. Today, nearly every transaction, acquisition, or investment consideration and decision comes with a host of data. The data stream even starts before the customer is aware of their need. Market and Economic data can be put to the use to target consumer segments. The research phase conduct by the consumer leading up to the decision are recorded. Everything from consumer classification such characterized by past purchases, web & email clicks, browser search history, to consumer segmentation – it’s all there – all recorded – all stored out on the internet.


The White Noise Problem

For most businesses the abundance of data adds up to a cloud of white noise, (a.k.a. Information Overload). As a business professional, we sense that there’s answers in the data, but accessing it, teasing it out, requires resources, scarce resources.  Figuring out what's most valuable, critical, or actionable using manual techniques take time to process.  New spreadsheets are built (often from scratch), models tested, and finally results provided. And, then reality hits.  Infuriatingly, by the time you get the answer either (A) you forgot why the question was so important in the first place, or (B) something else more urgent has landed on the desk. The spreadsheet approach simply does not work. They offer a one-off perspective, a static snapshot that required time and labor to construct.  Most disconcerting an IBM audit, back in 2009, uncovered that 85% of spreadsheets have significant errors in them that skewed the results.  Just because you see it on your computer does not mean its accurate!


The Growth of Data

Data problems are not going to go away. The multiple sources, volumes, and dimensions will only continue to grow.  Some data source companies offer analytics solutions that are narrowly focused one type of data source. But this singular approach falls short, leaving an organization in the dark, unable of putting the entire picture together, to address the challenge facing businesses today.


How to Gauge?

Trying to keep up with data, to make sense of it, is considered one of the top five issues identified by businesses. Consider these situations…

  • Is your business using spreadsheets for reporting?

  • Do you know or speculate that there’s value in your data sources, but scarce resources are preventing you from accessing it?

  • Does your current job leave you befuddled, guessing at what fire to address next? with little time to do anything else?

  • Do you have support staff generating, posting, or emailing you the same static reports over and over?

  • Are your resources unable to answer any other satellite questions that arrise?

  • Are you losing sleep worrying about data security issues or simply believe too many people have access to your business data?

  • Are your data sources akin to silo’s? Each requiring a separate approval to access with its own unique UI?

If you answered “Yes” to any of the questions above, then your organization is missing out on opportunities.  The opportunities to maximize sales or retain customers! Missed opportunities means fewer contracts, lower sales, ultimately leading to missed quotas.


Medicine for your Congestion!

Our approach to resolving such congestion is methodical. We promote a comprehensive strategy, an approach to data with the tools and experience to corral it, automate the processing, management, and tracking of key insights.

If your business, organization, or team wrestles with data when it comes to generating actionable or valued insight, then it’s time to seek out the skills to help you implement a game-changing strategic plan. We work with you to make sense of all the data flowing thru and around your organization. We bring the skills and experience to manage data, you bring your business knowledge and experience, and we work together to devise business analytics solutions that deliver your vision of how your business should operate.


Berkshire Solutions, Example Project

Teams inside of IBM have relied on Berkshire Solutions for custom data management and business analytics solutions for more than 20 years. We have designed, built, deployed, and managed more than two dozen large business analytics environments for IBM TSS. When IBM TSS needed a new revenue management solution for their maintenance services business unit Berkshire was there to build it for them. In less than 3 months, we were delivering insight into IBM Hardware exiting warranties, but without an extended maintenance contract in place to protect the customers investment.  Berkshire extrapolated from the data past purchase history, hardware life span, replacement cost, industry data, along with the customer’s stated purpose for the hardware in order to extrapolate high-value opportunities for both direct sales teams and IBM’s business partner community.  The solution calculated the value proposition to the customer, demonstrating the need to invest in a preventative maintenance contract. Within six months the ROI on IBM’s investment was achieved!


How to go about developing a data strategy?

We have designed and built analytics solutions for all major business branches, providing solutions to:

  • Finance,

  • Accounting,

  • Sales teams,

  • Marketing 

  • Inventory Management

  • Support & Operations

  • Plus Extensible Integration Solutions, (Networking over 400 Business Partners!)

Our approach is to take an inclusive route, to lay the foundation for advanced analytics. An inclusive strategy allows organizations to dismantle barriers to exchanging data. We work with you to dismantle barriers to accessing data while at the same time creating an audit trail as to who and why data is being accessed, making sure your data remains secure yet accessible by the right people within your organization.


Analytics Package Development Phased Approach

We build actionable analytics solutions. Analytics today go far beyond just measuring KPI's -- We work data to:

  • Show you where and why change is occurring.

  • Record data for rich meaningful trend awareness.

  • Overlay economic and market data to guide understanding & uncover opportunities to grow.

  • Leverage dark data to expose threats and opportunities.

  • Integrate inventory with partners to seamlessly reach more customers.

  • Develop statistical models to predict purchase behavior.

  • Build value propositions for your customers, so they know why to invest.

  • Predictive maintenance models so key infrastructure remains operational.

We take a comprehensive approach, that's iterative, thus rapidly capable of producing results quickly, allowing you to achieve an ROI on your investment much faster than standard in-house development teams could provide.


Phase One,(1) Research, I.D. data sources, both internal and external, that are meaningful to your mission. (2) Corral data sources into a secure data environment. 

Berkshire Initial Two Phases



Phase Three, an iterative analytics package development solution. We work with your business to develop solutions that are tailored to their requirements.  This provides a sense of ownership and a higher adoption rate.

Berkshire Phase Three




Sounds Great, But How Much Does it Cost?

Berkshire provides high-performance analytics solutions to businesses & organizations that recognize the importance of data -- for organizations that recognize data driven decisions build success.

We guarantee our work will achieve an ROI within the first two years! We work with you based on your budget to design meaningful solutions for your business. We will help you expand your business via our work while at the same time controlling cost.  

Another option to paying for our work is to finance it up front directly with us at 0% interest over five years! This allows you to achieve a meaningful application that's designed, built, and Implemented for you, for much less, allowing you to pay overtime!


If you'd like to learn more, contact us using our contact form.

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