This category covers the setup, management, and optimization of cloud-based infrastructure, including server provisioning, cloud storage, and cloud-based services such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.

Documentation Taxonomy
Cloud Services & Infrastructure

Integrating Alexa with Your Organization's Data Sources, such as a Club or Sports Team


Abstract: In this piece, I outline the integration of Amazon Alexa with small business systems, specifically focusing on the small to mid-sized organization as a case study. The solution is designed to enhance organization's communication, improve operational efficiency, and create a hands-free, accessible experience for customers, fans, team members, parents, etc.

Optimizing Cloud Security and Infrastructure: An AWS Assessment


Title: Optimizing Cloud Security and Infrastructure: An AWS Assessment

Published September 29, 2024

By Mya Schaefer, (Senior Consultant, Berkshire Solutions LLC)

  1. Executive Summary:
    A concise overview of the key findings and recommendations from the AWS infrastructure assessment, focusing on the security review, VPC architecture, and action items for improvement.

  2. Introduction:

Use Case: Backup from Local to Cloud with rclone and rsync

Abstract: Backup from Local to Cloud with rclone and rsync

This guide outlines how to efficiently integrate rclone and rsync for managing data backups and synchronizations across multiple storage systems. rclone is a [[command-line]] program that enables seamless transfers to and from various cloud storage platforms, while rsync is an efficient file copying tool ideal for local or networked data transfer.